Three new modules have been added which make it possible to replace the soil, freshwater and atmosphere models resp. with monitoring data.
Atmosphere Measurement
- Time series for concentration in air, wet and dry deposition.
- Time series for Precipitation, to be used in the dynamic soil and/or freshwater model
Freshwater Measurement
- Time series for concentration in river water.
- (optional) Time series for the flow rate of the river, which is used to calculate the SPM, which in turn is used to calculate the concentration dissolved in water. Note that this concentration is only relevant for ingestion of river water.
- Note that all parameter values given are only required for ingestion of river water.
Soil Measurement
- Time-series for concentration in soil.
- Parameters for depth of root zone, dry density of soil (if used with plant models). Fraction of particles inhalable and Total suspended particles in air above soil, for the route inhalation of dust. Daily ingestion rate of soil for the ingestion of soil exposure route.
- The soil model has two new outputs; concentration in dust (for inhalation in the PBPK model) and quantity ingested (for ingestion of soil).