As a result of the work done within theĀ LIFE VERMEER project, new models (VERMEER tools) were added to the MERLIN-Expo software.
The documentation here provides information for the purpose, applicability ad scientific background of the models, details of any specific scenarios, as well as instructions for how to build an assessment with each tool.
More information about the VERMEER tools can be found on the MERLIN-Expo User Guide.
The VERMEER Food Contact Materials (VERMEER FCM) tool is used to provide information with respect to exposure and hazard endpoints for chemicals intended to be used in plastics food contact materials.
Download Manual (PDF): VERMEER-FCM-Manual-v3.4.pdf
VERMEER Rodenticide tool
The VERMEER Rodenticides tool is used to provide exposure and hazard endpoints regarding the release of rodenticides in surface waters. The VERMEER Rodenticides tool predicts the concentration of rodenticides in aquatic organisms and the various ecotoxicological endpoints potentially required for regulatory purposes.
Download Manual (PDF): VERMEER-Rodenticides-Manual-v5.0.pdf
VERMEER Solvents tool
The VERMEER Solvents tool is used to provide exposure and hazard endpoints regarding the release of solvents in surface waters.
Download Manual (PDF): VERMEER-Solvents-Manual-v5.0.pdf